A Rare and Unique First Edition of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone!
Harry Potter is one of the most beloved franchises in modern literature, having captured the hearts of readers worldwide since its publication in 1997. The first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the most sought-after book in the series' collection. Now, a rare first edition of this iconic book is set to be auctioned at Plymouth Auction Rooms, where it will feature as Lot 100 in the Antiques and Collectables Auction on April 29th!
This particular copy has a fascinating history tied to the original success of Harry Potter. Its previous owner, a teacher at a Plymouth primary school, was part of a book-testing scheme in the mid-'90s. The scheme involved students reading and rating several new books. J.K. Rowling's freshly published Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was one of the chosen titles.
The teacher’s class devoured the book, often staying late to read "just one more page." The excitement around the book was palpable, with children begging to continue even after the school day ended. The class ultimately voted Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone the best book in the scheme, and many other classes across the country did the same. The book went on to win the Smarties Book Award in 1997.
At one point, a signed copy of the first edition circulated the classroom, but it eventually disappeared, as many of the children moved on after primary school.
This rare first edition, with its distinctive features, includes:
The tell-tale double printing of "1 wand" on page 53
A full number line on the copyright page: "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1"
The misspelling of "Philosopher’s" as "Philospher’s" on the rear cover
"Wizardry and Witchcraft" instead of "Witchcraft and Wizardry" on the rear cover
"Joanne Rowling" listed on the copyright page
No space between "Taylor" and "1997" on the copyright page
Also included in the auction is a third-print hardback copy of the first edition, in excellent condition.
This well-thumbed and much-loved copy tells the story of J.K. Rowling’s rise to prominence in children's literature, while also reflecting the deep affection children have for her books.
Featured as Lot 100 in the April 29th Antiques & Collectables Auction, this rare and unique first edition is estimated to fetch between £2,000 and £3,000. For more information or to consign a similar item, please contact the team at Plymouth Auction Rooms by calling 01752 254740 or emailing info@plymouthauctions.co.uk.